terça-feira, 20 de setembro de 2011

What you need to create: ideia plus believe in that idea!

The best form to create the proper job is to start for the development of the idea of the business that if wants to create. But not only… It is necessary that you believe the idea, that acrefites in the business, and mainly in PROPER YOU!
The auto confidence is basic for the success, the auto delivery and the devotion is basic so that the business gives certain!
Tip: It believes first proper you, later in the business, and finally. in the life that you will have with the business that you want to create!

terça-feira, 2 de agosto de 2011


The entrepreneurs costumam to be, more ccomplishing of what editors of proposals. Frequently they prefer to be developing practical actions, planning the attack. Moreover, many entrepreneurs have difficulty to articulate the business-oriented concepts that, many times, already had become for them one second nature. Consequently, one of the difficulties that they face is the preparation and business-oriented writing of a plan. However, any that is the difficulty that the business-oriented preparation of a plan can present, it is an absolute necessity for any business. The plan business-oriented is a hybrid document - part pragmatic projection and part tool of sales, it must walk on a narrow line, as much in content as in the tone of the presentation. The information must be necessary, but it must transmit a sensation of optimism and enthusiasm. The tone must be enterprise. If it will have sentimentalismo excess, the people will not take the plan the serious one. They will react well to a positive presentation and interesting and they will be disinterested for that she is vacant, drawn out, or that she has not been well weighed and organized. A plan business-oriented that paints a picture of the company of provocative form, has greater more intently probability of being seen of what one that is monotonous and cinereous. A word of caution regarding the grammar and the orthography: these errors can generate a negative image on the entrepreneur and, therefore, on all the enterprise. It makes with that somebody qualified thing in this area revises the plan, to eliminate these small annoyances that can have a strong impact on the readers.

Operations organization before opening own business

7. Operational process If the enterprise is commercial and/or services, describe main the operational process; If the enterprise is industrial, describes the productive process Necessary specifications of installation, suppliments, real estate equipment and for the implantation of the business. This survey will help in the fixed investment - active permanent. 7.1. Installations 7.1.1. Project architectural for reform or construction; 7.1.2. layout study; 7.1.3. study of the façade; 7.1.4. electric, hydraulical projects, of communication, etc. 7.2. Suppliments 7.2.1. necessary raw materials; 7.2.2. consumption material 7.3. Equipment and Furniture 7.3.1. equipment and machines for operation; 7.3.2. equipment and machines for support: 7.3.3. computer; 7.3.4. printer; 7.3.5. fax; 7.3.6. telephone; 7.3.7. duplicating machine; 7.3.8. others 7.3.9. vehicles; furniture for operation and administration

The different types of market to choose before opening own business

 Market is the relation between offers and the search. Thus, all situation where they are gifts to the purchase and the sales of some thing is a market situation. 5.1. Consuming market - to produce and to vender merchandises or to give services; To project in details what she goes to produce or to vender or the service to be given, you need to discover who you are the people or organizations that will buy its products or will look its services. The more information to get, more possibility will have to define merchandises or services that better take care of its Consuming Market. It looks for to know what it influences its future customers in the decision to buy and also looks information on the Code of Defense of the Consumer. 5.2. Competing market - that it produces and vende or it gives equal or similar services to its; It also observes the Competing Market through the merchandises or services that it offers, trying. It observes the reaction of the Consuming Market, in relation to the available merchandises or services. It also verifies how many companies are offering the same to product or service that its and where you can differentiate yourself of them. 5.3. Supplying market - it offers equipment, raw material, packings and other materials that you need to produce and to vender or to give services.

The different types of business to choose

 It is necessary to choose the type of business or activity: 2.1. Surmountings - It verifies which are the existing types, the advantages and risks, taxes and the modalities. 2.2. Joint venture - It verifies the advantages and risks. 2.3. Factoring - It verifies the modalities, the differences between factoring and banking system, the advantages, risks and precautions. 2.4. Home Office - It verifies the advantages and risks. 2.5. Cooperative - It verifies the advantages, risks and types of cooperatives.

The best entrepreneur profile

1. Profile of the Entrepreneur Before if initiating in the enterprise world it is important that the entrepreneur carries through an auto-evaluation. Some characteristics are decisive in the world of the businesses: 1.1. To take risks Risks are part of any activity and are necessary to know to manage them 1.2. To use to advantage chances It must be intent and to be capable to perceive the business chances that the market offers. 1.3. To know the branch To have knowledge on the branch that if it intends to act. 1.4. To know to organize To have sense of organization and capacity to use human resources, material and financial of logical and rational form, thus facilitating the work and saving money and time. 1.5. To take decisions To be capable to take correct decisions at the accurate moment, to analyze cold the situation and to evaluate the alternatives for the correct choice. To be informed well and to have confidence in itself exactly. 1.6. To be leader To know to define objectives, to combine methods and procedures, to stimulate people, to guide in the accomplishment of tasks. 1.7. To have talent She is necessary to ahead have talent and a certain dose of inconformismo of routine activities. 1.8. To be independent To be its proper alone master and to determine its route. 1.9. To keep the optimism To have confidence in its professional performance and to have hope.

The entrepreneur "must" status to create its own business

Some entrepreneurs are, without a doubt, good technician, good traders but, amongst them, some ignores everything on the market, financial management or administrative, the partner-economic environment or the legal and fiscal aspects. Others had not seriously studied the economic viability of its projects and others, still, had not consolidated previous conditions to the success of the enterprise. You want to be one of these temporary entrepreneurs? Or you want to undertake to remain and to expand its business? If its choice is this, you is conscientious of that the time used before launching its enterprise represents saved time, risks and problems prevented after the creation of its business. The experience in the education of business administration them has demonstrated that the abstract presentation of the basic contents of the area offers serious obstacles to its absorption for the students. In this branch it is basic the bond with the reality for the assimilation of the concepts and tools. In other words, education to have it resulted must exist one " problem concreto". " Plan business-oriented " it intends to be the bond with the reality, the experience as base for acquisition of knowledge, " the problem concreto".

How to keep current a business Plan

How to keep current a Plan business-oriented? As into the real world, also into the world business-oriented everything it is changedded and it evolved, being that generally the first one to move is the market where the business is inserted. If not to follow these evolutions and possible changes the company can face serious problems. To deal with these more problematic situations, the plan that defines the business must be prepared to support them, having such being regularly I coat and actualizado. One of the solutions to keep the actualizado PN consists of monitorizar it constantly. This method to function is necessary to identify the metric ones that they efficiently define the performance of the business. After if finding these parameters of measurement, as reports of inventories, or sales, it is possible to follow them in such a way to identify anomalies (positive, or refusals) and, to correct problems, or to capitalize the chances that can appear. Many companies limit to bring up to date it its PN annually. In the current market it is verified that this granularidade is insufficient, for what becomes chain the practical one to transform the business-oriented plans into “biological plans”.

general considerações before elaborating the document The entrepreneur must have

The entrepreneur must have the following general considerações before elaborating the document: • To define the objectivos to produce the PN - Who goes to read the plan, and which the objectivo of this reading? When defining itself these objectivos the entrepreneur obtains to decide which the content, and respective emphasis that places in all the sections of the document. • To attribute enough time for inquiry - the quality of a PN is proportional to the time that if dedicates to the inquiry before its elaboration. It is possible to get information on the market growth, perspective of the industry and profiles of customers in libraries, through the Internet and in paid data-base services. It stops beyond published facts is possible to carry through interviews the suppliers, specialists and competitors - how much better if to know the industry, customers and competition of the business best it will be obtained to base the plan. • To define the hearing and dimension of the PN - the dimension of a typical PN can vary between the 10 and 100 pages, depending on the use that if want to make of the plan and on the hearing goes that it to read. An internal PN of a company can exclude sections as the management and more specific being in the implementation. A basic PN for banks usually has 20 pages where the financial analysis is enclosed. • Redacção and Revisão - the enterprising one only possesss a chance to use the PN to enlist investors. They are written and the well based plans that opens the doors of the chance: she is necessary to edit and to review the document continuously. • To show rough drafts of the PN third - It is very easy to an author of a text not to discover errors of reasoning in the workmanship that it writes, or to subestimar information on areas that it does not dominate. It is very useful to show and to review the plan with people of the same one, or other areas.

Cares before creating a business plan

Business-oriented cares to have when a Plan is written As if it uses the PN to define the business that if wants to implement, is necessary to use a guide to create the ideal PN for the company who the entrepreneur wants to launch, existing, for this available effect, many tutorial and models in the Internet for consultation (plan” or “plan business-oriented” in the engine of Google search is enough to make a search on “business, to get a great list of sites on this thematic one). The construction of the PN does not have to restrict it a model previously elaborated. One of the errors most common in the writing of the plans inhabits in the little originalidade that many have. Many entrepreneurs limit themselves “to loan” information to it of other documents. This method of construction is not correcto, therefore each business functions in an individual way, and each excellent topic needs being based and later I coat.

Four: Business plan overview -business plan main sections discribed

More common sections of the business-oriented Plans Although no fixed rule for the construction of a PN does not exist, in rule the following sections are used: 1. Executive summary - section that makes the summary of the point-key of the PN; 2. General vision - where the business is presented the reader; 3. Description - section that describes the products/services given for the business; 4. Involving - section where the industry is presented where the business will go to compete; 5. It equips - a description of equips of management and staff; 6. Plan of Implementation - as if intends to develop the business; 7. Plan of Marketing - marketing strategy that presents the (s) product (s), promotion, price and strategies of distribution of the business; 8. Financial plan - section where the forecasts of costs against the profits will be made that the enterprising wait that the business presents.

Third: What can a business plan do for me? - Avoid first mistakes!

Are prevented errors thanks to the Plan business-oriented? Of moment where the entrepreneur starts to write down the eddy of ideas that appear in its mind, one becomes more easy to explain and to illustrate the concepts that go since them pillars until the details of the business. At the same time that it is more easy to find errors of reasoning and forecast, it is accessible the correcção of the following problems: • Systems of management badly conceived; • Little vision of the involving one; • Bad analysis of the competition; • Inadequate financial plan; • Not existence of a strategical plan.

Second: What is a business plan for?

So that it serves a Plan business-oriented? When it is wanted to launch a new business, the first question the one that is necessary to answer has to see with the financing of projecto. For the most part of the cases it is not possible to the entrepreneur to hold all the costs for the launching of a new business and becomes indispensable to find investors make who it. Many entrepreneurs write business-oriented Plans simply to obtain to get financing. This use of the PN even so can decide the monetary problems of many entrepreneurs, reduces the universe of application of the PN to the minimum - this must be essentially used as a primordial tool that must not only guide the entrepreneur in the creation of the business, but also during its maintenance. The process of preparation of a PN will go to force the entrepreneur to think seriously on the business, will go to allow a more serious balance on its viability, will go to facilitate to the recognition of chances and inherent risks to the business and eliminates the risk of some of the carried through assumptions. Before being used for the angariação of deep the PN it will have to identify and to acquit all the necessary financial necessities to the business. Through this systematic and detailed approach of the problem it is possible to inform, of a based form, investing and used of the strategies that the company must follow. After launched the business, it is possible to compare the performance of the real business with the PN, for what this also serves as a control point, exactly in the competitive and fast world business-oriented as of nowadays. A well elaborated PN prepares the business for the actuais conditions of market at the same time that it foresees the plans of contingency for unexpected futures.

First: Whath is business plan?

What it is a Plan business-oriented? The Plan business-oriented (PN) consists of a document that describes the route that a business must take, describing, in detail, the concept of the business, its objectivos, as well as the way as this will be developed and managed. Plans business-oriented already find more or less normalized level international, for what its content usually is divided in diverse sections, that even so vary of name, always approaches the same subjects. Of all these sections, are frequent to supply a special relief to the económica part of the business, the “Financial Plan”, therefore currently the PN is a document maioritariamente used to get financing that can make possible an investment in a new business. Although he is easily recognized the merit to the business-oriented Plans for the viabilização of the investment of third in a business of an entrepreneur, the way as it is constructed allows a much more versatile use and of long stated period. It is possible and very desirable to use the PN as a guide in this enterprise world each more competitive time, since that duly it is actualizado and it coats.