terça-feira, 2 de agosto de 2011

The entrepreneur "must" status to create its own business

Some entrepreneurs are, without a doubt, good technician, good traders but, amongst them, some ignores everything on the market, financial management or administrative, the partner-economic environment or the legal and fiscal aspects. Others had not seriously studied the economic viability of its projects and others, still, had not consolidated previous conditions to the success of the enterprise. You want to be one of these temporary entrepreneurs? Or you want to undertake to remain and to expand its business? If its choice is this, you is conscientious of that the time used before launching its enterprise represents saved time, risks and problems prevented after the creation of its business. The experience in the education of business administration them has demonstrated that the abstract presentation of the basic contents of the area offers serious obstacles to its absorption for the students. In this branch it is basic the bond with the reality for the assimilation of the concepts and tools. In other words, education to have it resulted must exist one " problem concreto". " Plan business-oriented " it intends to be the bond with the reality, the experience as base for acquisition of knowledge, " the problem concreto".

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